Healthcare Risk Management as a Career

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Healthcare Risk Management

Attorney Michael Presley has been practicing law in the healthcare field for over three decades. He is a partner in the firm Presley Law & Associates and a managing member of United MSO of America in Florida. He recently began work toward his MBA at Johns Hopkins University. In addition to his service as an attorney, Michael Presley is certified in healthcare risk management from the University of Florida.

Healthcare risk-management courses tend to cover care-related subjects from the social, personal, and medical perspectives and include local law, management practices, medical terminology, and other topics related to risk in the healthcare industry. Most students in healthcare management courses already have expertise in the medical, legal, or insurance fields before they embark on a career in risk management.

Healthcare risk management is a diverse field that can include aspects related to finance, practice, legal concerns, business, and the psychological dynamics of healthcare. Risk managers can work in the role of outside consultants or internal employees for healthcare organizations. Contracts can include engagement with both large corporations and smaller companies, and salaries can be more than than $100,000 per year.